Meet Leah!
Meet Leah, a Columbus area Mom of 3 and owner of Joy Local Coffee Company! Read our interview with Leah to find out more about her family and what they like to do together, how Joy Local Coffee Company came to be, and where you can find them to try their delicious beverages!

Meet Christina and Alexis!
Meet Christina and Alexis from The Play Spot. Here they tell us more about their families, how The Play Spot got started and more about what a class looks like.

Meet Jessie!
Meet Jessie, a Columbus Mom of one! Here Jessie tells us about her family, what a typical day looks like for her, and why she started her Instagram account, daily_dig.

Meet Emily!
Meet Emily, a Columbus Mom, a Realtor and a member of the Vutech | Ruff of Cutler Real Estate team. Here Emily tells us what brought her family to Columbus, what they like to do together and what she loves about her job.

Meet Erin!
Meet Erin, a Columbus mom of four and owner of Thrive Doula. Here Erin tells us about her family, why she started Thrive Doula, and what a typical day looks like for her.

Meet Christa!
Meet Christa, a mom of 2 and the owner of Sweets By Christa!

Meet Ashley!
Meet Ashley, a Columbus mom of two kids. Ashley and her husband own The Crafted Cloud, a conscious cotton candy company. Here, Ashley tells us about her family, how The Crafted Cloud got started and what a typical day looks like for her.

Meet Stefanie!
Meet Stefanie, a Columbus mom of 3 kids and the owner of Three + Me Creations. Here Stefanie tells us about her family and what they like to do together in their free time, why she started Three + Me Creations and tells about some of her most popular items.

Meet Robbi!
Meet Robbi, a Columbus mom and a Travel Advisor with Elite Travel Concierge. Here Robbi tells us a little about her role as a Travel Advisor, what her family enjoys doing together, and how she juggles work and being a mom.

Meet Marisa!
Meet Marisa, a Columbus mom of 2 and co-founder of The Gab Lab, with Allie Rosenberg. Here Marisa tells us about her family, how long she has lived in Columbus, how the Gab Lab came to be and what a class at The Gab Lab looks like.

Meet Mike!
Meet Mike Scherer, a Columbus dad who founded Worth the Wait Charity with his wife Megan. Here you can find out more about Mike and his family, Worth the Wait, and what their family likes to do together when they have free time.

Meet Matt!
Meet Matt Lofy, a Columbus Dad who started the Dadass Podcast because he wanted to learn to be a great dad and even better husband from more seasoned men. Here Matt tells us how the podcast got started, what his family enjoys doing in their spare time, and the important campaign they started to get more changing tables into men’s and gender-neutral restrooms around Columbus.

Meet Jessica!
Meet Jessica, a Columbus mom of 2 and owner of Simple Soft Serve. Here she tells us more about her family, her business and what a typical day looks like for her.

Meet Catherine!
Meet Dr. Catherine Sinclair, a Pediatrician and mom of 3 who recently opened up her practice, Roots & Wings Pediatrics. Here she tells us about what her family loves about living in Columbus, more about her practice and she describes what a typical day looks like for her.

Meet Morgan!
Meet Dr. Morgan Wareham, the Columbus mom behind GSM Chiropractic & Wellness. Here she tells us about more about her family and business, what she loves about her job, and what a typical day looks like for her.

Meet Danielle!
Meet Danielle, a Columbus mom of 2 and owner of All Wrapped Up – Personalized Parties. Here she tells us about her family and her business, what she loves about living in Columbus, and the best piece of advice she ever received from another mom.

Meet Sami!
Meet Sami, a Columbus Mom and owner of BetaCarrotTeen, a Health and Wellness business. Here she shares a little bit about how she started BetaCarrotTeen, who her typical client is, and the best piece of advice she ever received from another mom!

Meet Tiffany!
Meet Tiffany, a Columbus Mom of 3 boys and the owner of Breathworx614. Here Tiffany shares more about Breathworx614, what a typical day looks like for her and how she juggles work and being a mom.

Meet Simone!
Meet Simone, a Columbus Mom, and owner of Meal Prep Menus. Here Simone shares with us what a typical day looks like for her, some tips to make mealtimes easier for busy families, and how she balances work and being a mom.

Meet Nicole!
Meet Nicole, a Columbus Mom of 3. Nicole and her husband own KSM Sports and Fitness and here she tells us a little bit about their family, their favorite things to do together and how she juggles work and being a mom!